RE-Tool: Racial Equity in the Panel Process

RE-Tool: Racial Equity in the Panel Process
10/01/2018 Kim Savarino
RE-TOOL: Racial Equity in the Panel Process

We’re thrilled to share RE-Tool: Racial Equity in the Panel Process, a collaboratively designed resource for grantmakers to address racial equity in the panel process.

MAP was honored to be the lead organization in initiating this field-wide effort.


In 2015, a small group of peers in arts philanthropy were in conversation about issues of equity in the grant panel selection process. As panel moderators and administrators, we have a responsibility and an opportunity to understand our own practices and habits through the lens of racial equity. In establishing equity, we want to look beyond the language of mission statements and examine the nuts and bolts of how we actually operate our programs: panelist selection, moderator training/lack thereof, the tone of the panel room, etc.

In the fall of 2017, with funding from the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation, we were able to expand the group of five to a racially diverse group of twelve and to hire a Project Manager/Facilitator, Ama Codjoe, to support us in operationalizing equity practices in the organizations where we work.

As a “leave-behind” from our work together we created this RE-Tool for racial equity in the panel process.

Download RE-Tool (PDF)

Lead authored by Eleanor Savage of Jerome Foundation, edited by Ama Codjoe, and designed by Susan Wilcox of Twiga Work, RE-Tool and the Equity in the Panel Process are supported by the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation.

Jordan Baylon of Calgary Arts Development
Pam Breaux of National Assembly of State Arts Agencies
Francene J. Blythe of Native Arts and Cultures Foundation
Moira Brennan of MAP Fund
Emilya Cachapero of Theater Communications Group
Gargi Shindé of Chamber Music America
Kathy Hsieh of the Seattle Office of Arts & Culture
Ken May of South Carolina Arts Commission
Tariana Navas-Nieves of Denver Arts & Venues
Jane Preston of New England Foundation for the Arts
Dara Silver of The Arts Council of Winston-Salem and Forsyth County